

Anyone using this site (hereinafter referred to as “Site”) agrees to be bound by the rules, terms and conditions set out here (hereinafter referred to as “Rules”) and those indicated in the other pages of the Site. If you do not agree to accept these conditions, you are not allowed to use the Site. Anyone accessing the other pages of the Site shows de facto that he/she agrees to the Rules.
Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP are free to alter the Rules at any time and in any way it thinks fit.

The aim of the Site is restricted to illustrating, publicising, marketing and informing users aboutAssociation des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP’s products and services (hereinafter referred to as “Information”). None of the Information contained in the Site constitutes a warranty or is binding for any contractual or commercial negotiation or relationship, unless expressly stated. All the Information contained in the Site is to be regarded as purely indicative and in no way binds Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP, or the Site managers, or any other third party accessed from the Site via links.

Unless specifically indicated to the contrary, any trademark, logo, image, drawing, sound, music, filmed material, software or anything else contained in the Site (hereinafter referred to as “Objects”) is covered by the specific rights governing property, such as (these are examples – this list is not exhaustive) trademarks, patents, copyright etc. These rights are all legitimately held by Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP or by Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP  with the permission of the legitimate owners. Accordingly any use (copy, even partial copy, hardcopy) of the Objects is not permitted, except for strictly personal use. By “strictly personal use” is meant printing Objects or storing them on one’s own personal computer to keep as documents for personal use. Accordingly, the distribution and transmission (including making them available on other sites) of Objects to third parties, altering, republishing, or re-using them by inserting them in other documents or files, as well as any kind of re-elaboration, are regarded as not strictly personal use, and as such are illegitimate. Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP are in no way responsible, nor can be called to answer for, any infringement of rights committed by users of the Site with regard to Objects used with their owners’ permission by Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP. Responsibility for such infringement lies and remains with the user of the Site who has committed it.


Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP are in no way responsible for damage resulting from access to the Site or from the use or download of the Objects contained in it, whether such damage is the result of defects, errors or anything else, or the result of an inability to use the material contained in the Site.

Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP are not responsible for the content of sites connected to the Site via links.

As the Information is purely indicative, no warranty is given regarding its accuracy and completeness. Similarly, no Information contained in the Site is in any way or for any reason binding for Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP or other subjects indicated by the Site or connected to it via links. Specifically, there is no warranty that the Information contained in the Site is valid in all the countries from which the Site can be accessed. Any user wishing up-to-date, detailed Information should contact Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP. The Information contained in the Site may also be arbitrarily altered by Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP at any time and for any reason, without such changes being binding in any way for Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP, either before or after the alterations have been made.

Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP are committed to respecting privacy, both in the letter and the spirit of the law. The protection of privacy extends to all those who have any relation with Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP, whether employees, suppliers, customers, potential customers or merely visitors to the Site.

If a visitor to the Site wishes voluntarily to provide his/her personal details, as defined by the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003), he/she can do so only according to the rules and procedures given on the Site, and in any case in conformity to the above-mentioned Law. Submission of personal details is a voluntary choice of visitors to the Site. The Site does not possess any way of recording personal data except following an explicit request by the visitor to record his/her personal data. However, to avoid errors or misunderstandings, registration of personal details can only take place after a further, definitive confirmation by the visitor.

Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP use cookie technology to perform statistical surveys on its Site. Cookies are small pieces of data sent by web sites you access, and saved on the hard disk by the browser of your computer. The Site traces the cookie’s route (an activity known as “clickstream”, or the recording of the routes followed by visitors to a site as they go from one page to another). This activity cannot discover or reveal the identity of a site user; its purpose is to collect statistical data regarding the site, such as which pages have been visited, which downloaded etc. We repeat, none of these data is connected individually to you. Cookies do not find out your email address or any private information relating to you. The information amassed from tracing the cookie’s route is evaluated only as a whole. Association des producteurs fruits et légumes du Sud-Ouest / Consorzio di tutela della Pera dell’Emilia Romagna IGP use the log files of the Web server to count the number of visitors and assess the technical capacity of our site. We use this information to find out how many people visit the Site, to organise the pages in the most accessible way possible, to facilitate surfing the site and to make its pages more useful for users. We amass information on the site traffic, but not on individual visitors. Accordingly, no specific information concerning you can be stored or used.

If you wish for whatever reason to send emails to the Site, or if the Site suggests you add your name to the mailing list to have information of interest to you sent to your computer, we repeat that, if one of these options requires registration of your personal details, this registration will always take place in conformity with the Privacy Law. Accordingly, any registration will be made only with your explicit and repeated consent.

As set out above under “Important Notice”, access to the Site implies complete acceptance of the rules stated on the Site. This being so, users accessing the Site agree that the applicable law governing any problems deriving from access to the Site, or regarding the Information or the Objects contained in the Site, is Italian law. Similarly, users agree that exclusive jurisdiction regarding the above problems lies with the Court of Agen (Lot-et-Garonne).